
瑞傳工業單板電腦搭載微處理器、記憶體和輸入/輸出等元件,適合快速建構高品質的產業應用工業電腦系統。 適用於工業物聯網、邊緣運算、工業自動化、醫療照護數位廣告看板等應用領域。 提供多種記憶體配置和顯示介面,包括 VGA、DVI-D 和 HDMI,並有各種擴展背板可以搭配,提高系統配置的彈性。瑞傳的工業單板電腦 (SBC) 和背板組合是各種產業應用的理想選擇。 立即探索我們的工業單板電腦 (SBC) 和背板系列,或聯繫我們洽詢客制單板電腦設計製造服務。




工業用單板電腦(SBC)是一種將記憶體、處理器以及輸入/輸出埠等所有必要元件整合在單一電路板上的解決方案,適用於快速構建高效能工業應用電腦,且僅需少許的客製化。這些小型電腦設計緊湊,具備完整系統所需的所有組件。常見的 SBC 類型包括 PICMG 1.3 和 PICMG 1.3 半卡型尺寸等標準。


  • PICMG 1.0:支援 PCI 和 ISA 匯流排。
  • PICMG 1.3:支援 PCI Express 和 PCI 匯流排。
  • PCI:僅支援 PCI 匯流排。
  • ISA:僅支援 ISA 匯流排。


工業用主機板(亦稱為 Advanced Technology Extended,ATX)是工業電腦系統中各元件的核心連接點。這些主機板採用標準化的外形尺寸,提供多個擴充插槽,可用於添加單板電腦(SBC)和背板等功能,進一步提升系統的多樣性。

工業電腦機箱(工業機殼)是用於安置工業電腦系統各組件的外殼,提供保護並確保系統穩定運行。這些機箱有多種尺寸規格,常見的有 1U、2U、3U、4U、5U、6U 等,選擇適當的機箱尺寸取決於所需容納的組件數量和大小。 

U(單位)代表機箱的高度,每 1U 等於 1.75 英吋(約 4.45 公分)。因此,1U 機箱的高度為 1.75 英吋,2U 機箱為 3.5 英吋(約 8.9 公分),以此類推。 



  • 板型電源供應器:如 GADIWA 系列,屬於 DC-DC 寬電壓輸入的板型轉換器,提供連續 120 瓦、峰值 160 瓦的輸出,適用於無風扇系統等多種應用。 

  • Flex 工業電源供應器:體積小巧,適合空間有限的應用環境,提供高功率密度。

  • 2U/4U 工業電源供應器:專為 2U 或 4U 機箱設計,提供高功率輸出,適用於需要高效能的工業電腦系統。

  • PS/2 工業電源供應器:採用標準 PS/2 外形尺寸,適用於一般工業電腦機箱,提供穩定的電力供應。

  • PS2/DC/DC 工業電源供應器:將直流電壓轉換為不同電壓等級的直流輸出,適用於需要 DC-DC 轉換的應用。

  • 開放式工業電源供應器:無外殼設計,適合內建於其他設備中,提供靈活的安裝選擇。

  • 工業電源適配器:外部電源供應器,適用於各種工業設備,提供穩定的直流電源。



Why are Industrial Computer Systems important for Industrial Automation?

Reliable, high-performance computing systems are essential for industrial automation. Industrial Computer Systems provide the necessary computing power and features to automate various industrial processes and control devices. They are designed to be durable and withstand harsh environments, high temperatures, and high vibration – making them ideal for industrial applications. Thanks to the availability of customizable components such as SBCs, backplanes, and power supplies, Industrial Computer Systems are suitable for all industrial automation tasks.

Industrial Computer Systems are the perfect solution for reliable, high-performance computing power needed to power industrial automation. They are designed to function under harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures and high vibration and are also built to outlast the toughest of industrial applications.

A complete industrial computer system comprises several components, such as single-board computers, backplanes, mainboards, power supplies, and chassis. Collectively, these components collaborate to automate industrial processes and control devices with efficiency and accuracy.

Industrial Single Board Computers come in various models, such as PICMG 1.3 SHB, PICMG 1.0, and PICMG 1.3 half-size. These robust SBCs feature Intel processors and are perfect for medical, digital signage, and industrial automation applications.

Industrial Chassis provide robust protection for the components of an Industrial Computer System, enabling them to perform optimally in harsh industrial environments. Its durable structure safeguards vital details, ensuring reliable operation.

Industrial Computer Systems are the backbone of modern industrial automation and are crucial for the success of many industries. Industrial Computer Systems are the backbone of modern industrial automation and are vital to the success of many industries. Industrial Computer Systems are essential for modern industrial automation. They provide the computing power and features required to automate industrial processes and control devices. Industrial single-board computers, backplanes, mainboards, power supplies, and chassis work together to provide a complete computing system that is reliable and robust. With customizable components and various form factors, Industrial Computer Systems are suitable for various industrial automation applications. Browse our selection of Industrial SBCs and backplanes today.
